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RFID apparel application background

As early as 2000, Walmart began using RFID in retail scenarios. Later, Decathlon established an RFID company in 2010; Zara parent company InditexIn 2014, it was decided that the entire group would adopt RFID technology. Then, RFID began to be widely used in the fields of shoes and clothing and supermarket retail.


According to McKinsey’s research on retail companies, the current application of RFID products in footwear and clothing and supermarket retail in European and American countries is growing very rapidly, with 73% of retailers already using it.Currently using or preparing to use RFID technology.

RFID apparel application

From a technical perspective, the development of RFID technology has now entered a mature stage, and has begun to be widely used in countries such as Europe and the United States.

Now, RFID technology has reached maturity, and its products are widely used in many industries. Specific to the retail scene of shoes and clothing and supermarkets, this report will analyze the retail scenarios of shoes and clothing and supermarkets.


Conduct a detailed analysis of the current situation of the retail market, RFID industry chain, application cases, application trends, and possible new applications in the future, and strive to sort out The past, present and future of RFID development in the shoe, apparel and supermarket retail industries.

The field of footwear and clothing and supermarket retail can be subdivided into four major parts: clothing, shoes and bags, supermarkets, hardware products, and food and drugs. Here is a brief introduction to these three parts: Application situation.


The field of clothing, shoes and bags is already a very mature field for RFID applications. Currently in developed countries such as Europe and the United States, the application of RFID has become very common. And for China etc.


In developing countries, due to low labor costs, manual inventory or QR code inventory are currently the main product management methods. Offline from AIOT Star Map Research Institute

According to the survey data, the store types that currently use RFID the most are fast-moving consumer goods and sports brands, such as ADIDAS, NIKE, and UNIQLO. Library, MUJI, H&M, UR, etc. In addition, some small emerging brands and independent designer brands have also begun to use RFID to monitor their services. Manage shoe and bag products.

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